Gender Smart Marketing

Gender Smart Marketing

Marketing to Women Using Diversity and Innovation.

  • Are your marketing efforts missing the mark with female consumers?
  • Is your company struggling to engage with the women buyers?
  • Do you wish you could tap into the core motivators of the female purchasing power?

Aquitude has developed a specialisation in developing female-centric brand and business propositions. We work with organisations in incorporating a gender-smart approach to their business and brand strategies.

This unique approach is the reason why leading organizations turn to our services for their marketing and social media solutions.

Often, the easiest way to create products and services that appeal to women is to make the workplace more diverse. A team with good diversity management will often innovate better through diversity of thought, minimising groupthink and increasing empathy with consumers.

We can help your business through and integrated, cross-platform media toolkit leveraging Aquitude’s 4-point model:

  • Understanding and harnessing your female audiences’ Individual Motivators
  • Developing intimate Customer-Centricity
  • Leveraging Integrative Business
  • Walking the talk: Grounding your brand on what your Female Consumers truly care about

Our Credentials

CEO, Christina Ioannidis, is the author of “Your Loss: How to Win your Female Talent” which has been garnering media attention worldwide. Based on global research and Aquitude’s insights and tools, the book offers a hands-on blue-print for creating Gender Savvy organisations to reduce corporate losses, increase profitability and maximise talent retention. See Christina on Bloomberg TV discussing Cracking the Glass Ceiling.

We can support your company in all of the areas above to help you sustain your competitive advantage.

Call +44 208 144 9246 to talk to us.