Aquitude CEO to Speak at ‘Marketing To Women’ Event

Aquitude CEO to Speak at ‘Marketing To Women’ Event

Aquitude CEO, Christina Ioannidis will join a seminar in the UAE to discuss marketing to women. As featured in the May edition of Gulf Marketing review, the event will be the 6th Marketing to Women conference.

The event aims to tackle the subject of change – social, financial, behavioural – and how it impacts female consumers and their brand relationships. The one day conference will feature research – including results from the Purl Influencer Panel UAE Marketing to Women survey-  insights and thought leadership and take place at the Westin Hotel in Dubai.

Marketing directors from companies and brands like Johnson & Johnson, Fonterra Middle East, Unilever NAME and Philips Middle East will cover an array of topics from healthcare, nutrition, sustainability, ARAC research and social media usage.

As reported by GMR:

The panel is joined by London-based Christina Ioannidis, founder and CEO of specialist marketing to women agency Aquitude and author of Your Loss – How to Win Back Your Female Talent: A Gender Savvy Business Plan for Competitive Advantage, who will discuss women in the workplace.

Christina’s presentation and feedback from the event will be posted after the conference.