Virtual Ecommerce Boot Camp REtreat

Last summer, while the Aquitude team were in a different kind of isolation, participating in a strategy retreat on the island of Aegina in Greece, we came up with a concept. What if, we found somewhere secluded, away from the hustle of the office, with an infinity pool and places to work, places to chill-out, places to Read more…

GCC Ecommerce post COVID19

I’ve been following a thread on Linkedin about the effects of COVID-19 on retail in the GCC. One of the questions posed was: Should retailers accelerate their venture into e-commerce to compensate (and isn’t the e-commerce sphere already crowded)? Retail is not the only sector that is having to revisit strategies in light of the ‘Black Swan’ Read more…

Digital Disruption

Current events have focused the mind on the ability for all of us to adapt to the status quo being disrupted. Many governments, companies, even freelancers have been caught short without a plan for disruption. Disruption though, is the new normal. Digital technology has been disrupting supply-chains and value models for a while now. From democratised access Read more…

B2B Ecommerce Training March

According to BigCommerce, 93% of B2B buyers prefer to buy online, but only 22% of B2B companies have the ability to do ecommerce. In emerging markets, the number of Business-to-Business brands doing ecommerce is even less. At Aquitude, we have developed a new 1 Day online training course – B2B Ecommerce Fundamentals for companies looking to take Read more…

Online training courses ecommerce

Aquitude announces a new calendar of digital training courses delivered via video-conference and on-demand. Topics include Ecommerce 101, B2B Ecommerce, Omnichannel CX and IoT for Business. There is no doubt that COVID-19 will have an impact on the way we work, travel, shop and learn. It’s one of those events that blindside companies, even those who have Read more…

news summer of ecommerce

LONDON: Aquitude and ACEDE are proud to partner on a new, unique Ecommerce training program titled – ‘The Summer of Ecommerce“. Designed specifically for companies in the Middle East and emerging markets, the training courses will be delivered in London during June and July, combining the opportunity for learning, shopping and social events like Royal Ascot. The Read more…