'XGC' Beyond User Generated Content

Employee Generated Content for Marketing & Commerce

Engage your Teams and Customers.

Employee Generated Content (EGC) is a powerful way to engage your teams and efficiently create relevant assets to use for marketing and communications. Aquitude, as an engagement agency, has been helping companies leverage their employees to tell stories and create expert, contextual content for years.

A recent survey showed that customers are beginning to trust influencers less. At the same time, a large number of customers trust company websites. Your best influencers may just be your own people.

  • Your employees are already creating content - They are on Facebook and Instagram and Linkedin.
  • They know your products and services and understand your brand - better than your customers.
  • Employee Generated Content is cost effective.
  • Employees that promote the company are less likely to leave.
  • The sum of your employees networks is probably larger than most influencers.

Using modern day marketing aggregation and content tools, Employee Generated Content (EGC) can be collected, curated and distributed across all digital channels including social media feeds, big screens, events, in-store and anywhere there is a screen of any size.

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Your People as Influencers.

Your employees have friends, family and peers who they interact with on a daily basis. If properly trained and motivated, your employees are an army of advocates. You may even have employees that are already promoting your products and services through their Twitter accounts or Linkedin Profiles.

It's not just the CEO or the Sales Team. Your employees are the people who know your offer best. A company culture that fosters and promotes Employee Generated Content is one where people are happy to work. Engaging your people in a way that makes them want to promote the company has huge business benefits.

But, what if your people have nothing to talk about?

Employee Generated Content and Sponsorship.

Sports or Events sponsorship can be a catalyst for employees to generate content. While it is more common for sponsorship to be associated with fan content, engaging the employees of sponsors creates the same cross-company benefits as standard EGC programmes.

Aquitude currently have several sports sponsorship opportunities for companies who want to create content around a specific campaign or event. Contact us for more information.