Engaging Customers

Engaging Customers

How do you win the ‘Zero Moment of Truth’? How do you make sure that when your customers make their brand decisions – not in a store – but increasingly on the move via a mobile device that they will choose your product or service? Customers are increasingly influenced by friends, reviews and recommendation engines – not advertising.

Aquitude works in every part of the Brand Engagement Ecosystem. 

We begin by  facilitating deep-dive analysis of your brand’s values and DNA. We identify key segments / stakeholders and translate the results into meaningful brand experiences to build competitive advantage.

We communicate your core (sometimes subliminal) messages across your owned, earned and paid for platforms. Our aim is to achieve a positive, emotionally-led reinforcement of your brand …and increase the word-of-mouth.

We use the 2-way attributes of modern media to listen to customers. Making customers feel like they are involved increases their emotional attachment to the brand and helps increase engagement further.

The latest CRM and Customer Experience techniques allow us to keep your brand top of mind during the full life-cycle of the customer. Different customers need different communications at each stage of their journey with you. CRM and other retention processes increase loyalty and help re-affirm the Brand’s position in customers’ lives.

We help you focus on ways to increase growth through increasing repeat purchases, increased frequency of purchase and increased basket value. Focusing on these areas can deliver more efficient returns than trying to find new customers.

All this is supported with content-rich and relevant interactions. We aim to generate greater advocacy for your brand to amplify the messages. Make the most of recommendation engines and customer reviews by making content relevant, timely and easily share-able.

More about our Brand Engagement Services can be found here.