Mobile App For Clubs

and Membership Organisations and communities...


Core functionality includes Events Calendar and Sign Ups, News Feed, Coupons, Digital Membership card and push notifications. We can also integrate contactless payments and a wallet for members.


Replace membership cards with QR codes or imagine how your club could work if members wore waterproof wristbands for contactless payments, gate and grounds access and even a wallet.


No more duplication. No more iOS and Android App stores. Build once. Unlimited updates. A fraction of the cost do develop and maintain. To get techie - this is a headless PWA style app for sports clubs.


Understand how your members use your club. Plan staffing requirements and minimise wastage through more accurate ordering. Develop new membership options based on data.


Deliver more relevant, more timely, communication directly to your member's pocket. Segment your messaging and increase ROI for partners.


You don't have to throw away your current systems (Unless you want to). Integrate with popular email tools and CRM systems, payment gateways and even access control for gates and doors.



Your members will never miss an event. Manage calendars, registrations and even payment for tickets. Create push notifications automatically.


Your latest blog posts and articles delivered to your member's phones. More useful than email or Twitter. Own the relationship.


Allow your members to connect and interact through your own private network. Manage sub-groups, forums and discussions.


Want more? Add loyalty points and rewards. Add a Job Board. Add personalised action plans. Or tell us what you need on top.

Why don't we build you a demo?

Send us a .png logo and tell us how many members you have and we will work up a working prototype in your look and feel and give you a reasonable price. Remember - you don't need one for iOS and one for Android. This will work on all devices.

See that purple icon bottom right? Chat to us. 

Want to know a secret?

We spent months looking at options for a mobile app for a club we work closely with. We sent out a brief to a number of digital agencies and app developers. The results were shocking. The prices that were being demanded for a simple app were unbelievably high. We think it's because there is still a certain amount of mystery surrounding apps - its the last part of digital that developers can charge unreasonable prices.

So we looked at it a different way. What if we could adapt a well-known, open source platform using Progressive Web App (PWA) thinking to develop an app for a fraction of the price?

Of course the agencies told us that it couldn't be done, that the only way was to develop multiple apps that had to go through lengthy approval processes by the App Stores.

But they were wrong. And we built something in a matter of weeks from scratch.

The good news is that we have done it a few times now. You benefit from all the hard work at the beginning and now you can have something that is on-trend, works for your members and partners and delivers true Return on Investment.

One club made their money back in 6 weeks and delivered a 62% ROI in the first 6 months of the app going live.

What have you got to lose? Let's talk.