B2B Ecommerce Buyer Personas

B2B buyers are consumers too. When not at work, they buy from slick, optimised B2C ecommerce sites with advanced search functionality, the ability to configure products and get recommendations based on user data. Why should B2B ecommerce sites be any different? There are a few differences between B2C and B2B websites. Payment methods, transaction frequency and volume, Read more…

Chief marketing technology officer CMTO

So far in our B2B Marketing Trends Series, we have looked at Revenue Impact Marketing, Intent Data and Conversational Commerce. In our 3rd and final article looking at B2B Marketing and Ecommerce we dig deeper into how technology is playing a larger role in the marketing function and how you can stay ahead of the curve. The Read more…

B2B Ecommerce Marketing Trends

The trends driving online sales in fast-changing and disruptive times.   In early 2020, a meme-like cartoon has been circulating which depicts the wake-up call that COVID-19 is to businesses who have delayed digital transformation.  With physical sales channels like Trade Shows and road based sales teams limited, B2B Ecommerce has moved from a roadmap item to Read more…