Tag: customer experience

Total Experience Strategy

Experience based acronyms seem to be coined more often than cryptocurrencies, but customer experience, or CX may have outlived its usefulness. The term can no longer encapsulate the variety of strategies, tactics and tools that exist to deliver a unified, end-to-end experience for all stakeholders – from consumers to clients to employees to guests to patients. So Read more…

XR Extended Reality Experience

What is reality? It’s one of those seemingly simple questions that, once you dig a little deeper, is not as easy to answer as you might think. Even in an analogue world, each person’s reality is unique, like their identity[1]Learn more about identity in this episode of the Pilote Podcast. In fact, reality and identity are closely Read more…

The Non Fungible Customer Book by David Fuller

New Book – The Non Fungible Customer, Marketing in the age of blockchain, web3 and the metaverse. It’s time we talked about how the customer fits into the future of digital! Not a day goes by without a new ‘Crypto’ startup announces a complicated, opaque scheme to manipulate a market in such a way to reward early Read more…

Top Stories 2021

2021 was a year for fundamentals. After the disruption of 2020, where businesses had to pivot and adapt to a ‘new normal’, 2021 was a year to sure up some of the quick fixes and look for strategies for sustainable growth. These are the top articles on the Aquitude website last year… 1. OKRs for B2B Ecommerce Read more…

The problems with crytocurrency are CX related

As companies like Crypto.com and FTX sponsor major US sports stadiums and F1 teams, you might be under the impression that cryptocurrencies have gone mainstream. But is the technology ready for the masses? Based on research into wallets, exchanges, games and more, we’ve got some doubts. Problem 1 – It’s Not all the Same. When the majority Read more…

Internal CX measurement tool

CX, PX, EX… The X Always Stands for Experience Everyone has customers. Whether they are internal or external, whether they are called customers, patients, candidates, constituents or employees… each one of these people engages in an experience with your organisation. Every person in the organisation impacts the customer experience. From front-of-house to compliance. From Research to Product. Read more…