Shopify Markets International Ecommerce

Shopify Markets acknowledges that there is a world of ecommerce outside of Canada and the USA. Shopify has always had one major flaw when compared against global ecommerce platforms. It wasn’t global. Like most ecommerce platforms – the focus was North America and a couple of smaller, English speaking markets like the United Kingdom and Australia. The Read more…

replace membership cards with wristbands

Not every journey is a retail one. Sporting organisations like golf, tennis and sailing clubs often have to manage different types of patrons that have different privileges and access levels and traditionally, this has been done manually or with membership cards. Some clubs are looking to be more digital. To streamline the experience for members and guests Read more…

retail logistics MENA

Ecommerce enjoyed huge growth in 2020 as retailers were compelled by enforced change to consumer shopping behaviour. Despite what the American based SaaS platforms say in their marketing, setting up an online shop is only one part of ecommerce. Many retailers are finding out that picking, packing and shipping packages to customers is not easy, especially in Read more…

Privacy versus Personalisation

Or… What iOS14 means for you. Should consumers have a right to know what information is collected about them and how it is used? Yes. Should publishers of dubious content that is designed to generate traffic to increase advertising revenue be ‘punished’ (Tim Cook’s words) for causing real world harm? Probably yes. Should small businesses who use Read more…

Aquitude CX Typology Framework

Digital transformation success is closely linked with creating a culture across the business which is customer-centric and laser focussed on the customer experience (CX). One way to align the organisation around common goals is to use OKRs, but understanding the current CX culture of a company can be more challenging. The CX Typology Framework, developed in partnership Read more…

Aquitude CX UX DX XM

CX, DX, UX, XM… the definition of experience is as varied as the thing itself. No two experiences are the same – no matter how much process and automation is involved. Because experience includes another x-factor – context. What is Experience Context? Very simply, context is the who, what where, when, how, why questions. Which buyer persona? Read more…