Tag: DIgital Transformation

Customer Lifetime Value and Loyalty

A recent survey of marketing professionals revealed that only 48% of companies measure customer lifetime value (CLV) aka LTV. How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value Perhaps this is due to a focus on short term revenue metrics in order to please private equity overlords, or maybe there is not a mechanism to capture the value of a Read more…

OKR for Customer Experience

There are a lot of acronyms and jargon in that headline. So let’s start by unpacking what they mean. CX – Customer Experience. CX is shorthand for Customer Experience. At Aquitude we believe that CX is something that should be top of mind for everyone in the company. It’s like a river that has many sources and Read more…

B2B Conversational Commerce

In our last article, we talked about B2B ‘Revenue Impact Marketing’ – or to put it another way – marketing that considers Return on Investment (ROI). There are a few other trends in B2B Marketing that have a direct affect on B2B Ecommerce, in this article we look at two – Intent Data and Converational Marketing.  Intent Read more…

Ingredients for Ecommerce Success Book by David Fuller

Buy the Book, exclusively from ACEDE 2020 is a year of disruption and change. The inertia and ‘good times’ that allowed companies to postpone innovation has given way to new ways of thinking that force companies to change the ways they do business. Around the world, customers were slowly getting used to ecommerce and online shopping, however Read more…

April 13th – 1:30pm UAE – Zoom Meeting Disruption is here to stay. Next up in our ‘Head Start‘ series of free online training – we look at how your company can identify the changes that are happening in an industry or market, and build strategies to adapt using digital technology. Learn more… This course is free Read more…

GCC Ecommerce post COVID19

I’ve been following a thread on Linkedin about the effects of COVID-19 on retail in the GCC. One of the questions posed was: Should retailers accelerate their venture into e-commerce to compensate (and isn’t the e-commerce sphere already crowded)? Retail is not the only sector that is having to revisit strategies in light of the ‘Black Swan’ Read more…