Top Stories 2021

2021 was a year for fundamentals. After the disruption of 2020, where businesses had to pivot and adapt to a ‘new normal’, 2021 was a year to sure up some of the quick fixes and look for strategies for sustainable growth. These are the top articles on the Aquitude website last year… 1. OKRs for B2B Ecommerce Read more…

digital transformation strategy metaverse

Does the metaverse need to be part of your digital (transformation) strategy? No. Probably not. What is the Metaverse? The word has suddenly become Googled around the world thanks to Facebook rebranding itself. Rather than focus on the harm that the company has caused through its social media apps, the company is looking to new worlds… Attributed Read more…

April 14, 2020 – 13:30 UAE Design Thinking is used extensively to create software and products, but it can be used for all kinds of applications. In a rapidly changing world, where customer behaviour is being forced to change, Design thinking can be used to create strategies to deal with disruption. Part of our Head Start Series Read more…

April 13th – 1:30pm UAE – Zoom Meeting Disruption is here to stay. Next up in our ‘Head Start‘ series of free online training – we look at how your company can identify the changes that are happening in an industry or market, and build strategies to adapt using digital technology. Learn more… This course is free Read more…

Free 40 Minute Online Training Course Register to Attend A time of chaos, but also an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to redraw their commercial blueprints and optimise their operations across channels. Companies such as, Alibaba are all disrupting ‘overnight’ to sustain their business whilst offering customers a cutting-edge customer experiences (CX). This highly intensive course is Read more…

GCC Ecommerce post COVID19

I’ve been following a thread on Linkedin about the effects of COVID-19 on retail in the GCC. One of the questions posed was: Should retailers accelerate their venture into e-commerce to compensate (and isn’t the e-commerce sphere already crowded)? Retail is not the only sector that is having to revisit strategies in light of the ‘Black Swan’ Read more…