Tag: female

Deep-rooted attitudes about what is expected of women are hindering change Suzanne Moore examines the rhetoric that feminism has gone too far and that there are “problems” in employing women (Quotas and women-only shortlists aren’t popular, but let’s face it, they work, 30 April). She rightly points out that feminism seems to be wrongly “blamed for everything Read more…

Top performing women are walking out the door of the world’s best-known companies at the pinnacle of their career… And no, they are not leaving to start a family. They are leaving to become entrepreneurs. Why are senior women professionals leaving their high-paying jobs and walking away from careers during their most productive years? According to research, Read more…

A recent Euromonitor survey highlighted that women account for 40% of the economically active population. the figure takes into account approximately 1.25 billion women worldwide are in the labour market. The survey also showed that Single households have been increasing in the last 12 years fuelled by 30-something females and additionally, women are having children later, or not Read more…