Hospital of the Future

… Needs to consider the Patient of the Future. A version of the ‘Hospital of the Future’ (HOF) is already here – a hospital utilising digital systems rather than analogue processes, having implemented some level of digital transformation. The COVID19 pandemic accelerated the use of digital technologies including Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain and Read more…

Internal CX measurement tool

CX, PX, EX… The X Always Stands for Experience Everyone has customers. Whether they are internal or external, whether they are called customers, patients, candidates, constituents or employees… each one of these people engages in an experience with your organisation. Every person in the organisation impacts the customer experience. From front-of-house to compliance. From Research to Product. Read more…

PX training Course

CoVid19 was, at first appearances, a challenge and bringer of negative consequences for healthcare providers. Images of hospitals buckling under unbearable stress were the hallmark of the pandemic. However, whilst the challenges have been big, so are the opportunities. No single event would have impacted patients and their attitudes to healthcare as CoVid19. A recent Harris Poll Read more…

Patient Experience PX Transformation

During the roll out of Patient Experience (PX) transformations, hospitals and healthcare providers are often torn between the use of resources. They are also challenged with how to maintain momentum to a process which implies a shift in focus from Process to the Patient. In addition, these initiatives often face resistance internally as they inherently imply having Read more…

Aquitude Health - Patient Experience and Marketing

According to Allied Market Research, the global ‘Medical Tourism’ market is projected to reach $273.72 billion by 2027, which is a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.8% from 2019 to 2027 in value. In terms of volume, the global medical tourism market accounted for 23,042.90 thousand patients in 2019, and is projected to reach 70,358.61 thousand Read more…

Patient Experience Tips

Patient Centricity is at the heart of Healthcare Organisations today. Whilst CoVid19 has placed a strain on hospitals and healthcare providers, the long-term realization is that patient-centricity is at the core of competitive advantage is even more prominent. At Aquitude Health, we have been working on Patient-experience initiatives for a number of years and have identified the Read more…