Tag: UX

Total Experience Strategy

Experience based acronyms seem to be coined more often than cryptocurrencies, but customer experience, or CX may have outlived its usefulness. The term can no longer encapsulate the variety of strategies, tactics and tools that exist to deliver a unified, end-to-end experience for all stakeholders – from consumers to clients to employees to guests to patients. So Read more…

Customer Experience is a River

Think of Customer Experience (CX) as a river. A great river like the Nile or the Amazon. Where does it begin? Chances are that there are many tributaries. Over time, the  course may change. Large bends become billabongs or oxbow lakes. Sometimes, the river may run dry and water never make it to the sea or the Read more…

progressive web app

Have you considered a Progressive Web App? Before we get onto what a progressive web app is and the potential advantages over the apps you are more familiar with, let’s step back a bit and consider the world of mobile customer experience. Despite the Apple fans revisionist view of history, the app existed before the smart phone. Read more…

Digital Experience Platforms

What is a Digital Experience Platform (DXP)? Well according to the analysts at Gartner: … an integrated set of technologies, based on a common platform, that provides a broad range of audiences with consistent, secure and personalized access to information and applications across many digital touchpoints. Organizations use DXPs to build, deploy and continually improve websites, portals, Read more…

Who is running your Ecommerce

There is a line that sends a shiver down my spine when I hear a business owner talk about their Ecommerce customer experience: “Our IT department are working on it” Different companies are set up in different ways, but the most successful ecommerce sites have a demarcation between the business, the product (experience) and the technical delivery Read more…