Tag: Your Loss

Deep-rooted attitudes about what is expected of women are hindering change Suzanne Moore examines the rhetoric that feminism has gone too far and that there are “problems” in employing women (Quotas and women-only shortlists aren’t popular, but let’s face it, they work, 30 April). She rightly points out that feminism seems to be wrongly “blamed for everything Read more…

Christina Ioannidis, CEO of Aquitude, together with India Gary-Martin formerly of JPMorgan Chase & Co. discuss the role of women in business and finance. Talking with Andrea Catherwood on the “Last Word.” (Source: Bloomberg) Running time 06:35  

Top performing women are walking out the door of the world’s best-known companies at the pinnacle of their career… And no, they are not leaving to start a family. They are leaving to become entrepreneurs. Why are senior women professionals leaving their high-paying jobs and walking away from careers during their most productive years? According to research, Read more…

The BBC screened the first of a new series about women in business last night. The program looks again at the reasons why there is not a larger representation by women in senior roles in the Britain. It seems that the debate around whether or not motherhood is one of the primary drivers of women leaving business Read more…

Aquitude CEO, Christina Ioannidis will join a seminar in the UAE to discuss marketing to women. As featured in the May edition of Gulf Marketing review, the event will be the 6th Marketing to Women conference. The event aims to tackle the subject of change – social, financial, behavioural – and how it impacts female consumers and Read more…

The Here is the City poll on “Sexism in the City” has just been released. I will dedicate a couple of blogs in analyzing the numbers, as the figures are quite revealing in terms of attitudes, for both genders. When asked “Do you think that women are under-represented in your firm as a whole”, a slim majority Read more…