Aquitude has been delivering Training Courses across a wide variety of subjects in iconic cities for over 15 years. We have over 50 training programs to choose from. Book direct with us and and save...
From Ecommerce 101 to Marketing for Ecommerce, B2B Ecommerce Training courses. Co-Creators of the Bahrain Ecommerce Academy and the 'Summer of Ecommerce' - a unique program including site visits.
Marketing is what we do, but we also teach other people how to do marketing. Digital marketing, marketing to Millennials and more. Marketing courses are highly localised. San Francisco is not Shanghai.
It's the stated goal of many companies to be more customer-centric, but the reality is that customer experience (CX) is something that needs to part of your business DNA. Unique simulation based training.
Can't find what you are looking for in our training course calendar? Talk to us about developing custom programs specifically for your organisation. Because no two companies are the same. Get in Touch
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Decades of Truly Global Training Experience...
Aquitude has delivered hundreds of successful training courses around the world over the last 20 years. From London and Dubai to Melbourne, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Not to mention Johannesburg, Lagos and Bandar Seri Begawan.
Our courses change every year, picking up on the trends that are happening in business, with current case studies and real-world examples. Our courses are tailored for audience age and experience, specific industries.
Our training courses are localised so the content is relevant in market. We don't assume that just because something works in San Francisco it will work in Sydney. .
NEW - Aquitude powers Ecommerce and Marketing Training in Bahrain.
Our Coaches have Played the Game.
All of our trainers are practitioners. Our Marketing Trainers have worked as Brand Managers, Product Managers and Marketing Directors. Our Ecommerce trainers have built Enterprise scale, multi-language sites across the globe.
Many of the case studies we use in our training courses are based on real-world, recent personal experience, though we also work with best-of-breed companies to understand what works, and more importantly, what doesn't.