Virtual Ecommerce Boot-Camp Retreat.

Virtual Ecommerce Boot Camp REtreat

Last summer, while the Aquitude team were in a different kind of isolation, participating in a strategy retreat on the island of Aegina in Greece, we came up with a concept.

What if, we found somewhere secluded, away from the hustle of the office, with an infinity pool and places to work, places to chill-out, places to eat and network and come together to grow our online businesses?

Things change.

The good news is that we have taken this idea and adapted it for companies that are looking to establish an ecommerce business or take their early attempts and grow them into something to keep the lights on during this time of disruption and change.

Introducing the Virtual Ecommerce Boot Camp Retreat.

I’m in. Sign me Up

1 Week of training, coaching, networking, troubleshooting and motivation.

Participate as an individual or as part of a team of two or 3 (or 4)

With access to our trainers, coaches and your peers in the group, you will end the week with…

  • a live, functioning, ecommerce website with the ability to take orders and payments.
  • an Ecommerce Strategy for today’s environment and an uncertain future.
  • a peer support network to facilitate ongoing learning and development
  • Re-Skilling of key team-members for the digital economy

Typical Daily Plan

  • 9:00 – Daily Stand Up (20 Minutes) – Review of the previous day, group sharing of challenges and wins. Objective setting and motivational exercises.
  • 9:20 – Training (40 Minutes – 1 Hour) – Instructor led online presentation of key concepts required to achieve the day’s objectives. Use of case studies and best practice from around the world. Specialist guest trainers.
  • 10:00 – Sprint – Participants work on set tasks. Instructors & coaches will be available via chat to answer questions and facilitate.
  • 12:30 – Mid-Day Huddle – Problem Solving & Ad-Hoc Training (30 Minutes) – Group sharing of progress, challenges and wins. Group training on subjects identified by the group as relevant for next task.
  • 13:00 –Sprint Continues
  • 16:30 – End of Day Huddle & Debrief

I’m in. Sign me Up